The time has come to acknowledge that our current registry system fails victims, communities, and justice itself. We can do ...
The measure that Rep. John Kavanaugh wants to put on the 2026 ballot would do more than create future inflationary ...
If lawmakers don’t act now, the semiconductor industry — one they paid heavily to secure — could become the biggest financial disaster in state history.
With the state's 15-week abortion law now overturned, Planned Parenthood is now deciding what remaining restrictions to ...
Arizona voters are a bit closer to being able to decide if state lawmakers should be able to keep the privileges they now have against getting cited in traffic.
The “Starter Homes” bill is a good beginning. The Legislature can do further by expanding the availability of casitas, and ...
Carl Kunasek was one of the architects of the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System, and in the oral history below he ...
The League of Arizona Cities and Towns is opposing the Starter Homes Act and municipal leaders have expressed concern that ...
A Republican bill would allow the legislators to make appointments to the Governor’s Regulatory Review Council, the entity ...
A Republican legislator has reached an agreement with municipal leaders on a measure aimed at reducing food tax on grocery ...
Gov. Katie Hobbs won't use state resources to help out at the Grand Canyon even if there is a ripple effect on the Arizona ...
The department claims there have been strides in quality of care, staffing levels and funds infused into prison health care ...