Russia relies on the “Kosovo Precedent” set by Serbia, one that suggests that separatist movements are to be honored, as a way to justify the capture of Crimea from Ukraine in 2014. Should Ukraine ...
The B61 bomb’s reported yield will be adjustable to between 0.3 and 50 kilotons. A kiloton is the equivalent of 1,000 tons of TNT. Although not possessing the long-distance standoff capacity of either ...
There is a growing need to stress test the AI programs that protect critical infrastructure so that they work as intended.
The Patriot missile system is sure to bolster Ukraine’s air defense apparatus. The United States will be facilitating a deal in which Israel sends roughly ninety Patriot missiles to Ukraine. Israel ...
The engine’s expanded budget indicates progress to secure the world’s first-ever sixth-generation fighter is being made. The U.S. Air Force’s Next-Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) program is a work in ...
It’s clear the “America First” agenda will not ultimately succeed without getting the Americas right. Secure borders. Controlled migration. Stopping fentanyl. Lowering inflation. Winning the ...
Russia’s Skolkovo Foundation, with Clinton’s copious help, was the source of Russia’s incredible hypersonic weapons technology.
Space-based missile defenses are the Holy Grail of American national defense. President Donald J. Trump wants to build an Iron Dome missile defense system for the entire United States. That’s what the ...
Robbins and his crew called the plan “Operation Pinwheel” because of the circular motion the planes would create when pushing the massive carrier in its desired direction.
In addition to the American and Japanese paratroopers, airborne troops from Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Poland, Singapore, the Philippines, and the United Kingdom ...
The Javelin is widely considered to be the most powerful shoulder-fired rocket in the arsenals of the United States and NATO.