His expertise and leadership will be instrumental as we continue to strengthen our position in the market,' says chief revenue officer ...
Survey findings from charity campaign pinpoint that detrimental assumptions about age are still proliferating workplaces - ...
There's a need for a makeover of percentage-based models where commission is unjustified, undisclosed and uncapped,' says ...
The eTrading product update is designed to give brokers greater flexibility and increased confidence to place larger, more ...
James Roberts, head of insurance sales at Europcar, discusses the need for insurers to respond to customer expectations ...
We aim to create greater awareness of core priorities and knowledge sharing for insurance firms and their customers,' says chief executive ...
Without stricter regulation, these firms will continue to drive up costs, create unnecessary complexity and undermine consumer confidence,' says claims director ...
We must continue to mitigate the damage caused by flooding to ensure the insurance market has the ability to provide affordable cover to those at risk,' says director of communications and transition ...
His advice will be invaluable as we enhance our operations, develop innovative solutions for our clients, and grow our UK ...